Friday, March 23, 2012


Dad...this is for you. Hayden and I finally went to
the Post Office today and mailed you your
camera charger. Im sorry it took me so long and
Hayden would ask everyday,
"did you mail Grandpa his stuff"?
He's such a sweetheart!

1 comment:

  1. Are you kidding!!! Marie and I for weeks have tryed to figure out where and which receptacle I could have left it in ..I went to Grammies house because i take it for tractor pics. (and you know how big her house is) and looked in every room."never ' thinking about my last trip to your house.....I went on line and ordered it last friday.. that is great and funny !! Thanks Hayden ,youre the best!! Now I can leave one down at the Tractor barn!!:)
