We surprised my Dad(it was a special birthday) with a familytrip to Durango Colorado for a week. My Step-mom
booked us all at the most beautiful home called
Elk Hollow.
It gets the name from what you can see in the picture above.
Yes, everyday(unless they would hear kids..lol) at
Dawn and Dusk theElk would like to come out of the woods.
My father...taking it all in and just loving it....We LOVE YOU Dad!!
A view of the home and all the playingarea you could ask for.

Dad and all the boys having funplaying Wiffleball.
They loved it!!
Brady...taking his turn.
We took the kids to Honeyville.At Honeyville you can see them making honey from the
Bees and a whole lot more.
Yes...some amazing wines!!
Downtown Durango...all the kidsminus Charlotte.

The four of us on the train...headed to Silverton from Durango.
The boys at Vallecito Lake
Hayden having fun trying to catch somefish!
AJ....enjoyed fishing

Grandpa and Hayden

Grandpa,AJ,Brady and Hayden
Lily had fun picking some wild flowers.(she's just so adorable)
The four of us at the "high point" of Mesa Verde
My favorite picture of all 5 kiddos.(AJ with his arm around Charlotte is priceless)
Our last day in DurangoHere we all are walking through
Spruce Tree House
Mesa Verde.